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Hành trình trở thành senior developer 💻

net 8 and c# 12 big change

Net8 . NET 8, was released on November 14, 2023, along with C# 12 and Visual Studio 17.8. .NET 8 will be supported for three years as a long-term support (LTS) release. You can download .NET 8 her...

Reactjs basic note

useState and useEffect useState and useEffect are both hooks used in React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. useState is a hook that allows you to add state to a functional comp...

Mongo with csharp

Associate developer MongoDB csharp certificate exam

Working with MongoDB Documents in Csharp Review the following code, which demonstrates how to represent a document in Csharp. BsonDocument Use MongoDB.Bson to represent a document with BsonDocum...

Data structure and algorithms

Checklist stack queue linked list binary tree graph State 1 • 4 weeks Lesson 1: Introduction to Data Structures Introduction to the Data Structur...

Mongodb theory and examples code

Associate developer MongoDB C# certificate exam

MONGODB PRACTICE SECTION 1 Part 1: Query Operators 1 2 3 4 5 6 db.collection.findOne(query, projection) db.collection.find(query, projection) Case Sensitivity in MongoDB db.trips.FindOne() - is i...

Hangfire - Enqueueing Background Jobs

Background Job Processing with Hangfire

In modern web applications, handling time-consuming tasks asynchronously is crucial to providing a responsive user experience. One powerful tool for managing background job processing in .NET appli...

Design database

SQL Essentials Part 5

Data normalization Which data de-normalized: Inconsistent data types Repeating columns Repeating values First Normal Form — 1NF Make all values in a column consistently of the same data type Make sure each cell contains only a single value Make sure there are no repeating colum...


SQL Essentials Part 4

Introduction to SQL SQL is a standard language designed for managing data in relational databases. It’s commonly used to query, insert, update, and modify data. Most RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) like MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and PostgreSQL use SQL. As a data analyst, you’ll often...

Entity framework core

Introduction Entity Framework Core is an ORM framework, open-source, lightweight and cross-platform developed by Microsoft. It enables developers to work with databases using .NET object and EF Core is built on top of ADO.NET Relationship One-to-One Relationship 1 2 3 4 modelBuilder.En...

Exploring Dynamic Distance Calculation with Delegates: A Proof of Concept

Welcome to our latest project - a Proof of Concept (PoC) repository that explores dynamic distance calculation using delegates. In this blog post, we’ll take you through the features, the motivation behind the project, and how you can experiment with dynamic resolution of distance calculation ser...