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dotnet command cheatsheat

· 2 min read
  1. c# basic(datatype, exception, ...) -> important
  2. Algorithm (bubble sort, selected sort, ...) -> quick view
  3. OOP (4 ) -> important
  4. SOLID (5) -> quick view
  5. C# advance (delegate, generic, async ) -> optional
  6. SQL(join(8), understand func vs store procedure) -> important
  7. Linq -> quick view
  8. ef core -> quick view
  9. webapi -> optional

Create and Build Projects

dotnet new console -n MyConsoleApp    // Create a new console application
dotnet new webapi -n MyWebApi // Create a new Web API project
dotnet build // Build the project

Run Applications

dotnet run                            // Run the application
dotnet run --project <project_path> // Run a specific project
dotnet watch run // Run with file watching

Add Dependencies

dotnet add package <package_name>     // Add a NuGet package
dotnet restore // Restore dependencies

Generate Code

dotnet new classlib -n MyLibrary      // Create a class library
dotnet add reference <project_path> // Add a project reference
dotnet publish -c Release // Publish the application

Unit Testing

dotnet new xunit -n MyTests           // Create xUnit test project
dotnet test // Run tests

Entity Framework Core

dotnet ef migrations add <migration_name>    // Add a migration
dotnet ef database update // Apply migrations

Publish and Deploy

dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained // Publish a self-contained application

Package Management

dotnet nuget push -k <api_key> -s <source> <package.nupkg>    // Publish a NuGet package

ASP.NET Core Identity

dotnet new identity -n MyIdentityApp   // Create an ASP.NET Core Identity project

Azure Functions

dotnet new func -n MyFunction          // Create an Azure Functions project

Clean Up

dotnet clean                          // Clean the build output